2020 Baseball Season, News (Kincardine Minor Baseball)

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Jun 10, 2020 | Greg Stepaniak | 1259 views
2020 Baseball Season
Hello parents,

On Monday the Ontario Government announced that as of Friday June 12, at 12:01AM training for outdoor team sports may begin. At this time, we would like to explain to you what this announcement means from a Kincardine Minor Baseball perspective, and where we can go from here. We also require a response regarding your child’s participation.

To start with, just because outdoor team sports are allowed to initiate training on Friday, does not mean that baseball starts at this time. Baseball Ontario has suspended all baseball activities until Monday June 15, so that becomes the current effective date for getting back out on the field. The Western Ontario Baseball Association (WOBA) has put forth the following estimate regarding baseball activities for this summer, based on information from their June 1 Board of Directors meeting:

On field baseball workouts begin July 1
Baseball Regular Season begins around August 1 (To allow for proper athletic build up)
Baseball continues through September, and possibly early October.
Note: Based on Monday's announcement these dates may occur earlier than originally anticipated

Baseball Ontario Board Of Directors will be meeting on June 11 to chart a path forward for baseball in Ontario. After this meeting, we will have a better idea of what our 2020 season will look like. Based on the recent Government announcement, it may be possible to get out on the fields earlier than the July 1 WOBA estimate, but there is no guarantee as to when we might be able to play games. All that we can offer right now is the hope of future games, and the fact that we are moving in that direction.

Baseball Ontario has recently released draft return to play guidelines, which outlines new precautions to allow all participants to play baseball in a safe environment. This document can be found in its entirety, on the Baseball Ontario website.

For now, we hope to get back on the field for workouts, and hopefully we can follow with games. Baseball Ontario, and subsequently, Kincardine Minor Baseball are committed to providing the opportunity for our registrants to play the great game of baseball in 2020. What we are requesting from you is to let us know if your child is still committed to the 2020 season.

By July 1, if it does not look like we are making significant progress, or we do not have enough support from registrants, then we will make a final decision on the 2020 KMBA season.

Based on the above information, please let us know as soon as possible (send to [email protected]) if you intend to have your child participate in the 2020 baseball season so that we can quickly plan for the upcoming season.

We hope to get the kids on the field as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time and patience.

KMBA Executive