Coaches (links/quals) (Kincardine Minor Baseball)

PrintCoaches (links/quals)

Close August 23 2024
Decision to be made August 26 202

All Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Trainers are required to have an up to date Vulnerable Sector Check. The document below provides instructions on how to request a check online.




Coaching Qualification info:

Listed here are the specifics for WOBA league and OBA rep requirements. 

An NCCP link is located here as well for new and returning coaches. 

Coaches must register for clinics via their baseball NCCP profiles and will have the ability to print off receipts after payment is made.

If no profile then please create one. It allows you to access coaching resources through Baseball Canada. 

Full list of province-wide clinics posted at 
Baseball NCCP website-log in under coach profile to register.


T-Ball Rally Cap Program Information


WOBA Coaching Requirements For WOBA League Play [U9 & Up]

WOBA website and the tab labeled “Development”. 


Part 1:

All Rookie Head & Assistant coaches to complete at minimum, the following before their first league game of the current season;

    1. Initiation On-line Module
    2. (recommended but not mandatory) Initiation Workshop

Part 2:

All Head coaches mosquito and above must complete at minimum, the following qualifications for the current season of league play.  Coaches who have not met the criteria by July will be removed from the team roster;

  1. Initiation On-line Module
  2. Initiation Workshop
  3. and one other baseball NCCP workshop (suggested Teaching & Learning)


All Assistant Coaches must complete at minimum the following qualifications.

  1. Initiation On-line

  2. Initiation workshop

Excerpt from WOBA AGM, November 2015-Motion Carried

Appendix 1 – Bylaws/Rule

(1) Registration of Teams and Players

For WOBA play at all Rookie levels coaches must complete the NCCP online initiation course prior to the start of league play for the current season.  You can register to take the course here  It is additionally recommended that Rookie level Coaches also attend an NCCP initiation clinic.


For WOBA play at Mosquito and above all Head coaches must have full NCCP initiation Coach Trained Status (online plus initiation clinic) and have completed 1 additional NCCP course towards their “certified” status prior to the start of league play. Assistant coaches do not require the additional NCCP course.


Coaches who are part of the WOBA Bulls program will be required to be accredited in accordance with OBA requirements for the current season. 

Coach Certification Requirements for OBA (U9 and Up)

Coaches that do not comply will not be rostered with any OBA team (this means you can not coach an OBA rostered team)
In the table please refer to Baseball Ontario Rep AA and below.



Other Coaching resources:

OBA Pitch Count
FAQ for Pitch count

Roster Videos